All abstracts should be submitted electronically to the Singapore Prevention and Cardiac Rehabilitation Symposium website (www.spcrs.sg).

SPCRS 2023 - A New Era of Preventive Cardiology and Personalisation in Cardiac Rehabilitation
Over our one-and-a-half-day programme, we will delve into the latest evidence-based strategies, innovative approaches and implementation strategies that will inform on the latest landscape of preventive cardiology and cardiac rehabilitation. Our esteemed panel of speakers will share their invaluable knowledge, experiences and research findings with us. Their expertise will guide in treading new paths towards achieving personalised care that caters to the unique needs and characteristics of patients.
Together we will explore the latest in risk assessment, pharmacological, diet and exercise interventions, cardiac rehabilitation programmes for various patient groups. Speakers will unravel the potential of digital health solutions and innovative implementation strategies in enhancing patient outcomes. In addition to the scientific sessions, we have carefully curated interactive workshops and networking opportunities to encourage collaboration and exchange of ideas. There will be discussion on the pivotal role of patient engagement, education and empowerment in enabling greater cardiovascular health.
Join us at the fifth edition of SPCRS, and be part of this journey to embrace greater personalisation, explore the latest in the field, and attempt to push the boundaries of what is possible in preventive cardiology, empowering individuals to lead longer, healthier lives.
Yours Sincerely,
Clin Asst Prof Huang Zijuan
Organising Committee SPCRS 2023





James Morgan

Steve John

Cristian Zozo

Cristian Zozo
Day One: 28 October 2023 (Saturday) – 9am to 5.30pm
8:00 – 9:00 AM
On-site Registration (Morning Workshops)
9:00–10:30 AM
Pre-Symposium Workshops |
Workshop 1: |
Workshop 2: |
Workshop 3: |
Workshop 4: |
10:30–10:50 AM
Coffee Break/Exhibition/Poster Viewing
10:50–11:20 AM
Opening Ceremony |
Speech |
Opening Performance |
11:20–11:40 AM
Keynote Address 1 |
11:40–11:55 AM
Exercise Prescription In Primary Prevention Of Cardiovascular Disease |
11:55 AM–12:05 PM
Panel Discussion/Q&A Session |
12:05–1:05 PM
1:05–1:25 PM
Keynote Address 2 |
1:25–1:45 PM
Personalisation of Lipid Targets Based on CVRF, Lp(a), Remnant Cholesterol or ApoB?Dr Natalie Koh, Consultant, National Heart Centre Singapore |
1:45–2:05 PM
A Novel Dietary Approach in CVD Prevention – The Asian Mediterranean DietAssoc Prof Verena Tan, Health and Social Sciences Cluster Programme Lead, Singapore Institute of Technology |
2:05–2:25 PM
Panel Discussion/Q&A Session |
2:25–2:45 PM
Keynote Address 3 |
2:45–3:00 PM
Updates In Anti-obesity Pharmacotherapy for Patients with ASCVD or Increased Cardiac Risk |
3:00–3:15 PM
Exercise Tips for Obese Patients with ASCVD |
3:15–3:30 PM
Panel Discussion/Q&A Session |
3:30–4:00 PM
Coffee Break/Exhibition/Poster Viewing |
4:00–4:20 PM
Keynote Address 4 |
4:20–4:40 PM
Cardio-Oncology Rehabilitation |
4:40–5:00 PM
Programme Multiplicity for Enhancing the Uptake of Cardiac Rehabilitation |
5:00–5:20 PM
Panel Discussion/Q&A Session |
End of Day 1 Symposium |
Date: 28 October 2023 (Saturday)
9am – 10.30am |
Pre-symposium Workshops |
Workshop 1: |
Workshop 2: |
Workshop 3: |
Workshop 4: |
Social Prescribing for Stress Management in CVD Prevention – Mindfulness and Art Expression |
Exercise is Medicine: How to Start a Patient on an Active Life |
East Meets West: TCM Guided Diet Meets Guideline Recommended Heart Healthy Diet for Cardiac Patientsby Ms Cherie Tong, Head of Dietetics, Sengkang General Hospital, Singapore |
Enhanced Recovery After Cardiac Surgery - Journey of Prehabilitation to Rehabilitationby A/Prof Ti Lian Kah, Senior Consultant and Director of Cardiac Anaesthesia, National University Hospital, Singapore |
Day 2: 29 October 2023, Sunday; 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM
8:30–9:15 AM
Oral Presentation & Judging |
9:15–9:45 AM
On-site Registration
9:45–10:00 AM
Track A |
Track B |
Prehabilitation in Frail Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery in National Heart Centre SingaporeMr Muhammad Isa bin Mohd Musa, Physiotherapist, National Heart Centre Singapore; |
Cardiac Rehabilitation for Heart Failure Patients |
10:00–10:15 AM
Social Prescribing for Stress ManagementMs Constance Chan, Principal Medical Social Worker, Changi General Hospital, Singapore |
Integrated Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Programme – Using Qi GongDr Sa’ari Bin Mohamad Yatim, Deputy Head of Rehabilitation Medicine Services, Hospital Sultan IdrisShah Serdang, Malaysia |
10:15–10:30 AM
Leveraging Personal Motivations and Self-Regulation Training to Improve Heart Failure Self-CareAsst Prof Jocelyn Chew, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore |
CPET in Patients with Post–COVID-19 SyndromeClin Assoc Prof Tan Swee Yaw, Director, Cardiovascular Rehabilitation & Preventive Cardiology, National Heart Centre Singapore |
10:30–10:45 AM
Behavioural Change in Cardiac Rehabilitation: It’s PersonalAsst Prof Wong Su Ren, Principal Occupational Therapist, National University Hospital, Singapore |
COVID-19 Associated POTS/ISTDr Paul Lim, Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist, Mount Elizabeth Hospital and Parkway East Hospital, Singapore |
10:45–11:00 AM
Panel Discussion/Q&A Session |
Panel Discussion/Q&A Session |
11:00–11:30 AM
Coffee Break/Exhibition/Poster Viewing |
11:30–11:50 AM
Strategies to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease in Singapore: A Call-to-Action from the Singapore Heart Foundation, Singapore Cardiac Society and the Academy of Medicine, SingaporeDr Low Lip Ping, Chairman Emeritus, Singapore Heart Foundation, Consultant Cardiologist, Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre |
11:50–12:30 PM
Debate – Dr Knows Best Healthcare vs Patient’s Choice/Empowered Healthcare in CVD Prevention: Which Is Better?Team 1 (Dr Knows Best Healthcare): Asst Prof Yeo Tee Joo, Director, Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit, National University Heart Centre Singapore; Dr Chan Ngai Yin, Chief of Service and Consultant Physician, PrincessMargaret Hospital and North Lantau Hospital, Hong Kong |
12:30–12:45 PM
Award Presentation & Closing |
End of Day 2 Symposium |